It’s important to verify that your Day Pen vape battery is an authentic 4SCORE® product, especially because our lifetime warranty only covers verified 4SCORE® vape batteries. There are cases in which counterfeit vape pens are sold under the guise of reputable brands like 4SCORE®, however, the quality will not be the same. Unregulated counterfeit batteries are not held to the same high standards that 4SCORE® upholds, which can result in negative consequences for the buyer, such as receiving a broken device, overheating chargers, and unsafe product materials. The best thing to do to protect yourself and your lifetime warranty, is simply making sure you're getting an authentic 4SCORE® battery.


If you didn’t buy your 4SCORE® Day Pen vape battery from one of our authorized 4SCORE® dealers listed on our store locator on our website, there are several ways to verify that your Day Pen is the real deal.


Authentic 4SCORE


 1. Authentic 4SCORE® Day Pens are sold at licensed retail locations. If the device was acquired elsewhere authentication cannot be guaranteed.
2. 4SCORE® Day Pens have an engraved 4SCORE® logo on the power button, and on the bottom of the twist dial.
3. 4SCORE® Day Pen batteries have an engraved unique batch number located on the bottom of the twist dial, right next to the engraved 4SCORE® logo. If you purchased your pen any time after 9/2021, it should have this number.
4. While an Authentic 4SCORE® is charging, the indicator light on the USB Smart charger should light up red, and the vape battery power button should light up blue.
5. When your Day Pen battery is fully charged, the charger light should turn green and your battery power button light will blink 3 times before turning off.
6. Authentic 4SCORE® Smart USB Chargers have the 4SCORE® logo above the indicator light and are equipped with a smart chip inside to prevent overcharging and overheating of the device.
7. The authentic 4SCORE® vape pen button will light up blue when clicked 5 times to power on.
8. When the power button is clicked 2 times, the 4SCORE® Day Pen will activate a pre-heat function, which is indicated by an alternating red and blue flashing light on the power button.
9. 4SCORE® pens have a horizontal dial line, displaying temperatures from 2.0V up to 4.0V, with a vertical red indicator line on the twist dial.


If you suspect that your Day Pen isn’t authentic, please report it by emailing us directly at to help us combat potential fraud and keep our community safe.